Feb 19, 2012

This world is messed up

So I am interested in forensics. I have taken several classes for it and am currently in the advanced class where we meet once a week to do case studies. Then we had a class that was just an overview class on fetishes and pedophilia.

Let me explain the difference between a fetish a preference. A preference is just something that you like during sexual situations. Like I could say someone has a preference for women in high heels. But that doesn't mean that person (could be a woman too people) needs the woman to wear high heels. A fetish is when someone needs something in order to get off. If that person could not get sexually aroused without someone in high heels then that is his fetish.

So we covered many different fetishes in this class. There are 9 different classifications where the last category is Other. So basically there is a bunch of gross things out there. And don't get me wrong, some of this stuff is find in moderation, just not as a fetish. Like the horse people. Ugh. Just wait.

So there are 2 that I'm grouping together: exhibitionists and frotteurism. The first is flashing people and that's how people get sexual aroused. Bu revealing their junk to some poor unsuspecting person. The second is when the individual is gratified by touching/rubbing their genitals up on a stranger or touching a stranger's genitals. Like there was a guy who would conveniently bump into women in a subway station and then they would realize once they were out of the crowded area that there was some substance on them. Probably this pervert's semen. Like what the Hell? This is why everyone thinks that old men are creepy. What a way to put a damper on the mood for the day. Oh you had a nice lunch break? I had some old man cum on my new dress. It's gross. If this ever happens to me, someone is losing his balls real fast. I'm quick as lightning and won't stay for that shit.
      Similar to that is voyeurism which is just a peeping Tom. It is watching unsuspecting people naked or fucking. I'm just going to add on to my last statement: no one is looking at me undressing that I don't want to. Good try though asshole.

But there are a lot of idiots in this world. And I have no idea who comes up with this and how they have not died from it. Everyone knows about S&M (thanks Rihanna) and how some people are into bondage. But there is a new sort of bondage involving plastic. You know those space bags where you suck out the air with a vacuum when you put your clothes in it? Replace the clothes with your body and there you go. Some weirdos are getting all hot and bothered by watching or being put in a plastic bag and having their oxygen removed. HOW DO THEY LIVE?! And even further, some one took advantage of this peculiar market and made up the vacuum bed. You lay down between 2 plastic sheets and get zipped in. Some had a breathing hole and some didn't. Then they vacuum out the air so the plastic is very tight on your body. Not gonna lie, I'd like to try it to see what it feels like since I've never been in a vacuum. Not because it will make me orgasm because I'm positive it wouldn't. I don't understand how that is pleasurable. Whatever.

Then there are the freaks into bestiality. There is a couple who met on an online dating site. He came to visit her on her farm and when she was showing him around the barn she noticed something about her miniature pony. He had a boner and was masturbating. How does a horse masturbate you ask? Apparently they just whip their dick up at their belly. But she thought it was so hot so she got down and sucked him off. In front of this new man. He thought it was sexy. And now they are married. They like to take turns with the horse while the woman has sex with it like it is a human. The man just performs oral and takes it up the butt from the horse. WHAT THE FUCK.

This is something I find increasingly disturbing. A girl only a few years older than I started dating a new man. His fetish: diapers. He likes it when she wears a diaper, holds a diaper, or there is a diaper in the same room as him. So she developed an infantism fetish. She is an adult baby. She enjoys wearing diapers (her boyfriend even changes her diapers) and talking like a child and he even gently spanks her in a non-sexual way. It leaves me speechless. Especially if this man plans on having children. So he has a baby and it wears a diaper and it turns him on? So will he get a boner looking at his kid for 4 years? Does that lead to sexual abuse? I don't understand this at all.

There are so many others I just can't begin to understand. People are fucked up and idiots. The world is in trouble if this is what is being produced.

But this is pretty funny to lighten the mood: FURRIES!!

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