So there are shorts made for girls (and I guess women too but I wouldn't recommend wearing them) that are of either normal or short length but with long pockets. And by long pockets, I mean you can see the pockets sticking out the bottom of the shorts. I know that they make tiny pockets for most womens clothing, since --SPOILER ALERT-- I am a girl and all, since we usually carry a purse or bag around with us so we don't need all that room in a pocket to carry stuff like how men do. And all the shorts I own regardless of length have relatively small pockets. Pockets that are clearly smaller than these sluts' shorts.
The thing is though, that you don't find this except with more designer clothing. You know, the clothes you pay out the ass for. So if you are going to throw away your money like that, don't you want to have all the inner workings of your clothing covered? Why do you want us to see where your pockets are? Or what is in them? Because you never have anything in them anyways. How do I know? BECAUSE I CAN FUCKING SEE THEM. No one has justification for this. Except maybe something like "It's fashionable." or how it's "high fashion". Yeah. Right. Like normal people wear that stuff. So you saying you are going to wear stuff like this now?
Yeah right you are. So you have no good reason why you wear stupid stuff. Unless you are, in fact, stupid.
Well my face mask is now dried. I was blogging while I was waiting for it to dry and I can no longer move my face. I hope this stuff actually works. If not it was under a dollar so who gives a fuck. I look like a bad clown.
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