Apr 30, 2012

Distraction #2

So I love coffee. I can't drink it black, but share your sugar with me and I'll get up on that. I mean I'll still drink lattes and stuff too. I don't do frappucinos unless I want an icy milkshake. Because they are not really coffee. Don't argue- you know I'm right.

But I hate how it's a diuretic. I swear I pee all the time when I drink a lot of it. Like every 10 minutes. And the times that I drink it the most is when I fight the will to crash on the next surface that can fit my body on it and sleep there. So basically when I have exams to take. I can drink cup after cup after cup. I've already had 3. And haven't paid for one yet. BOOYAH.

So since I've been studying the same material for the entire day, my brain is saying "Darling, it's been a pleasure. But no one can deal with this conditions. So when you give it a rest for a bit, I will come back to you and we can work things out." You cannot really fight with that. You can try but it's a losing battle.

Also, I think drinking too much coffee causes heartburn. I think this because my chest is killing me right now. Like BURNING via hydrochloric acid spurting up through the cardiac sphincter because it isn't closing all the way. Yeah that's right, my exam tomorrow is on anatomy. Deal. But for real, I think I need to take a break from coffee for the night.

And here goes my caffeine crash. I better find a place to fall asleep fast before I pass out. And preferably not the floor this time.

Apr 28, 2012

Distraction #1

So here it begins. This going to be short as I need to return to research. But I just finished 1000 words and deserve a break. And some cake.

I like to be a boy scout. No not like the girls who troll for guys and are trying to get up on that. Like the small children who join a nationwide club. Always prepared. I'm pretty sure that's a motto of theirs. I mean they need to know how to tie like 50 different knots and how to start a fire or cut shit or something. I'm not talking about being prepared for wilderness. I just mean I like being prepared for everyday life.

Like I am stocked up on medicines. You never know when you need NyQuil or decongestants or melatonin or Tylenol. I like to be prepared for things. But I was not aware I was down to 3 Kleenex. ONLY 3! And WHAM! I've been hit with a cold. Talk about awful timing. I need to get so much done and I don't even have anything soft to wipe the snot off my face. Oh and it's crappy weather out and is supposed to rain all day. So do I really want to go walking around in that? No. But do I want to use napkins to blow my nose? No. I usually always have at least 2 boxes of tissues in my room. And the fact that I don't is killing me. Killing. Me.

I suggest this to you: go by more Kleenex. You never know when you're going to get sick. And while you're at it, I would go buy lots of drugs, put them all in one pill bottle, and carry them with you at all times. Being a walking pharmacy gets you a lot of friends. Trust me, I know.

Apr 26, 2012

Seizure dancing.

I wish dancing wasn't so stupid nowadays. Yeah I totally just want to grind my ass up on a dick all night long. That sounds like exactly what I want to do. I need a dance break... QUICK! WHERE CAN I GYRATE MY BODY?!

Okay okay sometimes I'm down for that. But have you ever watched Grease and been like damn, I wish we did that. That had some good moves. A guy and gal dancing together face to face without crotches touching?! What?!?

Yeah I think it's fun. I know basic salsa moves and wish I knew more. It is so much more fun than grinding. If you think your ass rubbing on someone's crotch is sexy, just imagine the heat and passion involved in salsa for a second. You not knowing where the dance will lead you as you follow his moves. Spinning around, twisting and turning, freedom to move and close to each other but not breaking the boundary between each other. Now that's hot.

But what about when you don't have a partner?

The other night I went to the Avicii concert. I would say that I'm kind of a closet club head. I really do like techno. I've been to concerts for techno artists like Groove Coverage and been to a few clubs in my day. I don't often get to let that side of my out. So when I got a free ticket, I was overjoyed. Thank the lord baby Jesus I was only with 1 other person I knew there. Because I promise you, I looked like a freak.

The concert was not in an auditorium or place with open floor space. There were seats everywhere. Assigned seats, but if you're just two attractive girls moving your body people will pretty much just let you go wherever you want. So we got about 10 rows closer than our tickets. But what I was saying was that there were seats preventing much physical interaction between human beings. And trust me, I needed the space.
               I am dead sure the Koreans next to me and frat boys behind me thought I was having seizures the entire night. When I can feel music in my body, you know, when the bass comes through the speakers and travels into your skin and around your body into your heart, I die. Almost. And boy oh boy, when that bass drops, I cannot be held responsible for the movement my body makes. My body was shaking and my hips were rocking. My arms were pounding and flying around. I had goosebumps. I could've just been at the concert by myself and rocked out like I did and not have cared at all. I got to let loose in a way very few people have actually seen. Because I look like I'm having some sort of attack and my body is breaking.

Not really sure how this all connects. Definitely don't care. But next time you see some tall bitch having a standing seizure, rest assured that she is actually dancing. And it's probably me.

Long time, short post.

So I haven't been on here in a while. Don't worry, if you actually check to see if I've blogged, there should be a decent amount of posts coming up. Finals are coming up. And you know what that means... Time for distractions!

Also, the dashboard has changed. When did that happen?

But I have a list on my phone of different ideas of what to blog about. And they will have attention given to them probably starting this weekend. So get ready for randomness!

I need a distraction... you need a distraction... it's a lose-lose situation! Where we end up winning?

Apr 14, 2012

Rape vans

I have had extended conversations about this topic with my mother. You know those vans, the ones that are usually all white that seem to just prowl the neighborhood. The ones that are always shown in movies with the bad guys hanging out in. The ones with the pedophiles in them asking little children if they want some candy. The ones that whisk people away in the middle of the night. Or day I supposed.

There are laws in several places that don't allow cars to have tinted windows. It prevents officers of the law from looking in and discovering something illegal or being able to identify persons inside the vehicle. If there are laws against having tinted windows, how is it okay for vans to exclude windows?? There is no chance for the cops to even look inside! Why would a personal vehicle not want windows? Windows let in the sunlight and let your prisoner see the gorgeous environment. The also let people see the young woman you have bound and gagged in the back. And if you have a woman trapped in the back of your car and you plan on doing illegal things to her, then you deserve to rot in jail.

I can maybe understand a business not having windows to make it more difficult to see the equipment and no one wants to break into a van to steal something if what is in there isn't even valuable. Criminals only put in the effort to break into a car if they are going to get something out of it. So if they don't see anything worth taking, they will move onto something better. But there shouldn't be anything that crazy in the back of your personal car.

I don't think cars should be allowed to eliminate windows if they can't tint their windows. It's dumb.

"Please pull up your pants and go away."

Apr 4, 2012

Chronic Bitch Face

Today I'm going to educate you on a condition that affects many women. It isn't life threatening, but it does cause some serious concern. I know this because I am afflicted with it. It is: Chronic Bitch Face (CBF).

I have often been around people, talking and interacting in a completely normal manner, and they accuse me of giving a look. I look judgemental, angry, bored, like I think they're stupid, etc. I'm sorry. I'm really none of those (probably). This is really just how my face looks when it is relaxed and I'm not putting in an effort to contract the muscles. Too bad you think that I'm giving you attitude, it's just CBF. I can't help it. I was born like this and there isn't much I can do about it. One of my best friends is also plagued by CBF. People often think she looks intimidating or pissed. She isn't either. We are just normal people trying to live our normal lives. I know there are more of us out there. We are simply trying to spread the word about CBF so that people will constantly stop glaring at us because they think we are being shitty with them.


This picture should also help to spread light on this matter:

Apr 3, 2012


Wow. Now that's a party. It doesn't matter if you try to pace yourself, you're screwed no matter what.
I hit up the bars for my 21st birthday. There was a pretty large crowd that went out with me and since the bars weren't that busy, we took up a lot of space. Everyone I knew there wanted to buy me a drink. I wanted to have a good night and be able to remember it all. Everyone else wanted me praying to the porcelain gods. I spaced out the drinks I had as much as I could, but they were just lining up so fast. This is how I started my night:
 It was great. I was looking fresh to death. I had my best friends all with me. Then more and more people started to show up. More and more drinks lined up. We made it to two bars. Then we all dissipated as the bars closed and I went home. It was a rough night. This is how the night ended:

I'm not sure how it has happened that on your 21st birthday you must drink until you drop. I'm not sure I'm thrilled with it. I'm just glad that I have the ability to go wherever I want when I want. Expect some crazy stories for the rest of April. I deem this month: April Apocalypse. We shall see if I survive.