So I love coffee. I can't drink it black, but share your sugar with me and I'll get up on that. I mean I'll still drink lattes and stuff too. I don't do frappucinos unless I want an icy milkshake. Because they are not really coffee. Don't argue- you know I'm right.
But I hate how it's a diuretic. I swear I pee all the time when I drink a lot of it. Like every 10 minutes. And the times that I drink it the most is when I fight the will to crash on the next surface that can fit my body on it and sleep there. So basically when I have exams to take. I can drink cup after cup after cup. I've already had 3. And haven't paid for one yet. BOOYAH.
So since I've been studying the same material for the entire day, my brain is saying "Darling, it's been a pleasure. But no one can deal with this conditions. So when you give it a rest for a bit, I will come back to you and we can work things out." You cannot really fight with that. You can try but it's a losing battle.
Also, I think drinking too much coffee causes heartburn. I think this because my chest is killing me right now. Like BURNING via hydrochloric acid spurting up through the cardiac sphincter because it isn't closing all the way. Yeah that's right, my exam tomorrow is on anatomy. Deal. But for real, I think I need to take a break from coffee for the night.
And here goes my caffeine crash. I better find a place to fall asleep fast before I pass out. And preferably not the floor this time.
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