This might be a bit of shameless advertisement but I don't really mind. It's not like he asked me to, I just like to brag when I have friends who do cool things.
If you click here you can check out this awesomely cool new toy. You may have heard of the store called Marbles. It is a store that sells "brain games." By that it means it sells games that would actively engage your brain like Sudoku and that traffic game where you have to move your car across gridlock. The newest addition to the store is called Colorfall.
It is similar to dominoes in shape and the idea is similar too. There are different patterns you can set up and then when you knock down the blocks, a picture forms.
But the coolest thing about this game is the fact that I know the man behind the madness. He is someone I have been friends with for a very long time and I am quite proud of him for having achieved this. Congrats, Brad! But so everyone should go out and buy it! Especially if you are creative or have kids who would enjoy this.
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