Feb 17, 2015

Should I stay? Or should I go?

I have gone through a lot the last 2 years of my life (what with graduating from college and starting my first job). I have been so scatterbrained I haven't had time or motivation for blogging. Also, this blog really was a bunch of rants and stories. Which I love! But now I want to transition to a new style of blogging. Something a bit less explicity and wordy. I don't know if I can continue forward in this direction on this blog. However, I love the title of it! I have been trying for quite a bit of time to come up with a good name for a new lifestyle blog that isn't already taken. So anyone still reading this, what do you think? I could just push forward and work harder to come up with a new good blog title, give up all together, return here, or just move Sea Jellies and Jam to Wordpress. It's becoming a difficult decision for me and I would appreciate any input!

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