Aug 8, 2013

Why I've been gone for months

So. I haven't posted anything in months. I know it's an especially long time for me. I've had moments when I wanted to post something but then I hold back. And I know why this is. 

First off, the A months are always my busiest months. So here I am taking a quick break to write. But this comment serves to say how I stopped writing at first because of my schedule. Then came a big milestone for me: graduation. I had been applying to jobs like crazy and trying to figure my life out. So this blog went on the way back burner. 

Second is the more pressing reason I haven't written in a while. I want a job. When I started this blog I was looking for a wild and crazy time in my single college life. I would say inappropriate and possibly offensive things without a filter. As I've grown, I've wanted my blog to also. But there's still the posts from before and I'm not sure I'd want professionals to see them. Do I become unsearchable so you can't find this blog? Do I delete them, even though they show record of my opinions? Start a whole new blog and send everyone there instead? 

So I've been wrestling with these thoughts and again put my blog on the back burner. I'm still trying to figure it all out and if anyone has suggestions I'm game to hear them. 

Until next time, live happy and hit hard. 

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