Mar 17, 2013

Floridian Break

So this past week I was down in Florida enjoying my vacation from school and reality. There were 8 of us who went drove down, obviously sharing rides there since it was a 19-21 hour drive each way. We had plenty of time to chat (or sleep). But when we finally got down there, the sun was shining and the beach was calling.

We decided to get settled in and unpack since it was late afternoon and we would hit up the beach the next day. But we got together our stock of bottles for the week for a picture. And we almost ran out of everything pictured here! 


We went out the first night to get a feel for the area and see the bars our friends usually go to. I always forget that the real world has expensive drinks. Because most of us were exhausted from the drive, we turned in early. We started off the next morning with a 90's power hour that had us set for the afternoon. And when we coined the phrase "violently burped." This is apparently not throwing up, just burping up the foam from all your beer. Most of the days consisted of hanging out on the beach (with my trusted bottle pictured below) and going out to bars at night. There is always drama when so many people are living in close quarters for a week. But that won't get mentioned here.

 I tend to be the person who takes all the candid pictures so I found myself lacking in all not-posed pictures. I didn't even get any with my sexy new swimsuit. Maybe next time someone else will take a lot of pictures instead of me. Oh well.

Here is my beach bottle. And yes those are fishies swimming along the bottom!

 This is the beach we played on. And the old men we played with! They had a cornhole/baggos set that we challenged them to a game with. We lost. But it was hilarious. They asked if there was alcohol in my blue bottle. I said plenty and I got a high five.

On one of the days we went to a firefighter show where they raise money for charity. And they lip-synced or sang and danced. The old women lined up to shove singles down their pants. And everyone was hoping that sexy man on the left would gyrate on them like he did on a 70 year old lady's face.
This was just one of the signs we passed almost every night we went out. And if you know me at all, you know my love of bacon. So I just had to take a picture of it. I wish I had taken more pictures of the bars we were at or the delicious food we ordered but got too caught up in what was going on. I only seem to have pictures with friends and I'm sure they don't want to be put on here so here is just one by myself enjoying the night!


  1. Seems like a great time
    Hope u enjoy ?
    Pictures are beautiful


    Coline ♡

    1. Thanks, I did have a great time!
