Mar 5, 2013

Things Men Shouldn't Do Part 2

I know that I said a long time ago I would continue the list of things men shouldn't do (check original post  here). When my phone was destroyed, my list was lost along with it. So I have been working on a new list. So here are a few more things that men should avoid.

1. Hanging out with your girl and the Xbox. Men let me explain something to you. I understand that your favorite game just was released and you need to beat it. That's why you hide away gaming until late at night and can't text back because your hands are preoccupied. Most girls understand that which is why we give you space when the new COD, Halo, Assassin's Creed, or whatever comes out. But let me tell you this: your girlfriend does not want to watch you play video games. It's not fun for her. It's not hanging out. The best you can do is to play with her and actually let her play the game with you. Otherwise it's stupid. And especially if it's a new game, we know you won't let us play. Here is a good comparison for you (or at least I think so). It would be like if we invited you over to hangout with us and our tv was out. Sure you had your phone but you wanted to actually interact with us. But whoops I forgot to say I had to do my hair and makeup. So you watched us do hair and makeup for an hour. You would hate it and complain.

2. Blame it on PMS. Sure this sounds obvious. But I still know plenty of guys who will openly say it to any of their female friends. Women have enough to deal with with the whole bleeding issue. And assuming a girl is at that time of the month is very dangerous. I will align it with assuming a woman is pregnant. Nothing good can come from this situation. Let's give an example of the possible outcomes with a girl Amanda. Amanda had a bad day at work because her boss wouldn't stop making inappropriate comments towards her and just wants to chill with some friends and a beer. Being in a bad mood shows and a male friend comments "Must be your time of the month" or "Holy PMS." Clearly Amanda will be pissed off because she is already in a bad mood why would he feel the need to say something like that? She gets even more upset because she should have the right to be mopey if she wants without some jackass making it worse. In scenario 2, maybe Amanda actually is on her period and if she seems a little PMSy, leave it alone! She's clearly acting hormonal and who wants to piss off someone who may seem irrational? She might just explode and go a little nuts then if she's feeling attacked. There's a chance it's with a girl who jokes around about it back, but she could just be putting on a front when she's actually bothered by it. Just don't say anything.

                 2b. Ask for a due date. I know I said not ask if a woman is pregnant above. I think most men know NOT to do this but just in case, never ever ever ask if a woman is with child. In any sort of way. She could be cooking a bun in the oven or just fat. And no woman ever wants to be called fat regardless of it's because there's a fetus growing or a food baby growing.

3. Comment on women's' bodies. The two issues above can sort of lead into this one. I mean physical appearance in a negative way. Sure you can judge people if you really want. But maybe make sure the girl doesn't know them first. I find that most ladies I know will just to defend any other girl when there is a verbal attack (usually from a guy) about her body. In the US there is a lot of pressure on women to always be sexy and skinny and beautiful etc. Even when you are confident in your body, you can occasionally slip up mentally and find something you don't like. Men don't have quite the same sort of societal pressure as women and cannot necessarily understand how it can mess with a girl mentally. Don't call a girl fat, or ugly, or anything negative when her friend is nearby. You have no idea what that girl has gone through. Maybe she has depression about her weight or is considering anorexia. Sometimes all you need is one rude comment to break you down. That's why girls are supportive of each other to the point of lying: we know what each other needs to hear to feel good about themselves.

This is what I have from recent events. Let's see if I can keep my phone long enough to acquire a worry list to continue this. Have a good week!

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