Oct 2, 2011

You are hot stuff. Like pizza.

What makes people attractive? Why do people fall for you? Ever wonder why people like you? I wonder this all the time. Because I think I'm fucking weird.

Since I've gotten my hair cut real short, I have fallen in love with fauxhawking it. I feel like a badass. I look badass. I don't care if it isn't girly enough. I mean I chopped off very many inches of hair already. Everyone said I was going to look butch. I don't. So why can't I fauxhawk it? Guys do it, I can do it too.

I have girl balls. Or so I have been told. By many. In fact, I was informed that they dropped at the early age of 8. I must have told a story about how I did something gutsy then. I always thought that this made me too intimidating to guys. Like when I wear high heels since they make me about 6 feet tall. My brother told me I'd never get a boyfriend because of that. I'm loud, aggressive, quirky, nerdy, and brutally honest. Do guys really like that? They don't get scared of me? How is that attractive?

Some people are just visible gorgeous. And it's true, there is a difference between being hot and being beautiful. And everyone has their own idea of each so that every person out there is considered lovely. So these naturally gorgeous people, do they know they are physically attractive? Do they ever wonder if the people interested are seeing beyond the outer presentation? Does it matter if these people are weird? Is being pleasant to look at all that you need for people to like you?

So why do we like who we do? Why do people like us? Why don't we ever really know? People can tell you you're nice and funny and cool and shit like that but it doesn't mean you believe it. And the individuals who know they are the shit aren't worth your time. Those sassy bastards.

I just wonder sometimes...

"You think I'm nasty? I think you're right."

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