Aug 12, 2012

It's been a while

So since no follows this blog religiously, including myself (I kind of forgot about it),  my lack of posting should not have been a problem. I was recently reminded of my own website and now will begin to take full advantage of the blank canvass to display my bitching ranting and description of life.

When I first started this blog, I led an exciting single life. I was the go to crazy friend that drank too much and made a fool of herself constantly. The only main change is the single part. And this upcoming year is going to quite feisty and daring. I plan on devilish things happening. Pictures that should never be shared will be taken. Secrets will be revealed. And someone is going to get tatted up. Stand by for stories.

P.S. It is always a good idea to have a flower pot in your room. Make sure it's empty. Just in case you need to barf and your garbage and bathroom seem like too good of an idea.