Mar 31, 2012

Last underage post...!

Of course this weekend has to be extremely busy. And I have a thousand things I should be doing right now. I have exams I need to be studying for. I have other homework that needs to get done. I could nap even despite the 11 hours of twice interrupted sleep I have. I really should clean my room since it is very gross. But alas, nothing is quite as interesting to me as blogging right now.

I am preparing for a very exciting day. Soon, I shall be 21. Most of my friends are already 21 and have been for a while. So they would get to go out on the weekends and get into places I could not. It was annoying but I got used to it. It only would still piss me off when it would prevent me from following through with plans.

    I did not go on spring break with friends because I would be younger than them all and that would prevent them from going out to bars and clubs at night since I couldn't get it. They could do whatever they wanted and I would be the anchor attached to their ankles holding them back. So instead of being the annoying bitch, I stayed home.
    The other time that it pissed me off was on Saint Patrick's Day. All I wanted to do was have some authentic Irish food for lunch and enjoy some Irish music. That was all. But the Irish restaurant/pub decided that it was going to be 21 and over. Starting at noon. NOON. Do you have any idea how many people they must've had to turn away? Because they can't let in a family with small children and turn away me. Because I was turned away. So no I did NOT get any Irish food on Saint Patrick's Day-- I got Panera. Which is good but not what I wanted.

But now I will be able to go to any restaurant and any show any time I want. I won't have any age restrictions on me any more. I could go to a bar to see a concert. I can eat dinner in a pub. That's one of the things I look forward to the most. To have the freedom and the choice to go where I want when I want. Because it is different than not wanting to go somewhere and coincidentally not being able to go to the place and just having the choice not to go.

So here I go: into the final days before freedom. I'll post again from the other side. Wish me the luck I'll need to survive the night. I won't let go Jack!

Mar 23, 2012

Double-edged sword

I'm watching one of my favorite shows. Sex and the City obviously. I've got my own Carrie, Miranda, and Charlotte in real life. The episode that I'm watching is when Miranda is aware of the difference in salary between her and Steve. Steve gets offended that Miranda can/wants to buy him a suit. And Miranda wants to pay for dinner or lunch for them but Steve won't let her so she always chooses cheap places for food. That way he won't have to spend as much money. It just shows the differences between men and women and the double standards that women have on them. Miranda even said that. A single man with money is attractive but a single woman with money is a threat.
          But it's true. To be a very independent single girl can be rough. Apparently it becomes intimidating. I mean, if you were a single girl you can either be too clingy and needy or too independent and stand-off-ish. Like they hate men and can't live with them in the same world or that they can't survive a day without a penis near them. There is a happy medium. But it's not often shown in the media, or I'm just not watching enough TV recently.
         One of my absolute favorite movies is The Breakfast Club. And even they talk about the double edged sword battling girls. When Claire is being pressure to say if she is a virgin or not, Allison reminds her of this. Granted they are in high school but it still applies to older women as well. If she says she's had sex, then it qualifies her as a slut. If she hasn't, then that makes her a prude. And it doesn't matter if her answer has a justifiable reason, judgement has already been passed. This still is applicable to college aged women and older as well. There is a societal expectation that individuals at that age have had sex but that is not always true. The older a person gets and is a virgin, the more rare they are. A whole movie was made about old virgins. But if a girl has slept with too many people, then she is easy and a whore. There is a fine line between being cold and weird and being a sleazy ho-bag. No one knows where that lines is and I know girls who worry about walking that line.
          Another place where there are different standards is in the work place. A woman can try and go for a raise. But in a competitive market, a woman could be construed as either aggressive or assertive. They seem quite similar, yes? But when applied to a working woman, they can be different. Being assertive is a good quality to have. It implies respect and still having the ability to take charge. While being aggressive shows no responsibility and just a push for dominance. When a woman goes for a promotion they often are viewed only as aggressive. Like if a woman wants to continue to work even after she has had children. What if she doesn't want to be a stay at home mom? Then there must be something wrong with her maternal instincts and she must be broken. I disagree. I know stay at home dads. There's nothing wrong with them. So if a woman is passionate about her career why should she have to sacrifice everything while men get to do whatever they want? I think that a woman can do whatever she wants to do just like a man can. And should be able to do it without the excessive judgement.

None of this is fair. And I know there isn't a lot that is fair for different people. Men will always think they are better and that they can control what's going on in the world around them. Well guess what bitches. Your testosterone gets turned into estrogen so you can have properly developed brains. Oh men are smarter? When can't your testosterone perfect your brain to be functional? Obviously the female hormones are more important. So fellas, shut the fuck up.

"If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, join the club."

Mar 13, 2012

We get it.

It's spring break. The time for kids to get rowdy and go down to Florida and get hammered. Some people have money to go to warm places or other countries for a week. You get excited and you have a good time. Great for you. Now shut up.

Not everyone has the ability (transportation or money etc) to go to these awesome places. Some people are forced to work during break. Others have doctor appointments. Some people are busy studying for the MCAT. There are plenty of reasons college kids don't go to Panama City Beach and get blasted.
It's not that we don't want to go have a crazy time with our friends, it wasn't our choice to not go somewhere hot and let loose. We just can't. I am one of those people.

Well guess what, assholes. It is still 70 degrees out here. There is no rain. I get to have delicious and free homemade dinners. I can do whatever I want here still and still relax. That's great that you get to sit on a beach and sip daiquiris. Doesn't mean I want to be update about what you're doing every few hours. I have my own life I am living I don't need to to rub it in my face that you have money to travel and I don't. Or money to eat out and buy many drinks. Sure I'll take a fly by after break. But I don't care for your exotic life right now.

You don't need to go somewhere with a beach or out of the country or on a cruise to have a good time. I have a great time with my family playing ping pong and listening to Chiddy Bang. I've never gone to Florida for spring break. And I think I'm just fine.

Mar 7, 2012

Short shorts and long pockets...

I do care. You look stupid. This is similar to the eskihoes post. Not really. But kind of, I suppose.

So there are shorts made for girls (and I guess women too but I wouldn't recommend wearing them) that are of either normal or short length but with long pockets. And by long pockets, I mean you can see the pockets sticking out the bottom of the shorts. I know that they make tiny pockets for most womens clothing, since --SPOILER ALERT-- I am a girl and all, since we usually carry a purse or bag around with us so we don't need all that room in a pocket to carry stuff like how men do. And all the shorts I own regardless of length have relatively small pockets. Pockets that are clearly smaller than these sluts' shorts.
       The thing is though, that you don't find this except with more designer clothing. You know, the clothes you pay out the ass for. So if you are going to throw away your money like that, don't you want to have all the inner workings of your clothing covered? Why do you want us to see where your pockets are? Or what is in them? Because you never have anything in them anyways. How do I know? BECAUSE I CAN FUCKING SEE THEM. No one has justification for this. Except maybe something like "It's fashionable." or how it's "high fashion". Yeah. Right. Like normal people wear that stuff. So you saying you are going to wear stuff like this now?

 Yeah right you are. So you have no good reason why you wear stupid stuff. Unless you are, in fact, stupid.

Well my face mask is now dried. I was blogging while I was waiting for it to dry and I can no longer move my face. I hope this stuff actually works. If not it was under a dollar so who gives a fuck. I look like a bad clown.

Mar 5, 2012

Application awkwards

So I have been filling out a bunch of different types of applications recently. Some are for jobs and others for scholarships or financial aid. And there are some normal parts of applications and then there are always the awkward questions. And some of them just kill me.


  • GPA
  • Felon status
  • Education history
  • Address
  • References
  • Why you deserve whatever you are applying for
I can handle these sort of questions. They are straight forward. They are simple.  Then there are the weird questions.

  • How do you contribute to diversity?
                  Here is my problem with this one: I am a white girl from a middle class family in white suburbia. I cannot change who I am or where I was brought up. I haven't gone and traveled to culturally different countries. How do I contribute to diversity then, huh? We all know you mean like racially or ethnically. I have never been persecuted for anything about me. We understand this is the politically correct way to find out if I am an immigrant or of colored skin. Which is actually quite irrelevant when you look at genetics but people will never accept the elimination of race which is stupid. So thanks for reminding me I'm white and am to blame for the sins of the whiteys who came before me. Thanks a lot.

  • Are there any other jobs you would rather have?
                  Yeah actually now that you mention it, I would much rather be an event planner for the wealthy. I could plan an awesome party or wedding and make a great commission. Or I could be a famous actor making big bucks and having my face slapped on posters. Note I didn't say a good actor, I mean look at Kristen Stewart... But Hell. Why on Earth would this be an appropriate question? Some jobs are for character building. Some are for resume building. Most are both. But you don't need to notify everyone of that.

  • Are there any other reasons you would like to work here besides the money?
                   Sure sometimes you actually want a job because of what it entails. But mostly it has to do with making money. Or the discounts that the job can provide. I mean who wouldn't want a discount on ice cream or clothes or something like that. But if it is just a pay-the-rent job like many are, how are you supposed to lie to them without being a jerk? I wouldn't ask this unless I wanted to make someone squirm during an interview.

These are just a few off the top of my head that I've seen the past few days. And I find them odd and unnecessary. I probably will rant about something else similar to these at a later date. I fucking hate it when my coffee goes cold.

"Don't treat me any different than you would treat the queen."