Oct 24, 2012

Reality is Hitting me.

I'm in the stacks studying for exams I have tomorrow. I have my laptop because I have study materials saved on here and in case I need to look something up I can access the Internet easily. But when I'm reading my own notes or printed out review materials, my laptop goes to my screensaver. I love my screensaver. It starts with one of my pictures and zooms out, adding more pictures together into a collage that makes up a picture of mine. The final picture focuses and zooms out and repeats. That might be a bad description but it's the best I can do for this. But it shows me old pictures, recent addition, anything from my screensaver folder.

As I looked up from my lab notebook, the current picture forming was of me and a bunch of older friends I have. It made me smile and then almost instantly sad. All of them have graduated and either moved home or to where their new job is based. All of my older friends are gone, I am now the older friend. I have become the friend getting ready to graduate in the spring and leave all the undergrads. They will skim pictures and see me and remember how things were when I was in college. They will wonder what I'm doing with my life and ask when I can come back and visit. I always ask my graduated friends to come visit and I'll make time for them but they are always too busy with work or graduate/professional school. I am only 7 months away from that. 7 months away from being too busy to see college friends. 7 months away from entering the real world where you pay taxes and can't find a decent drink under $10. 7 months away from being on my own.

Is anyone else secretly terrified like I am? I cannot wait to start my final semester of college and dread the day after graduation.

Oct 23, 2012

Old school social media

So I should be studying right now. I started studying and haven't gotten very far. Why you may ask? My roommate and started down a terrible path through the awesome 90s. It all began when her Reese's had 2 wrappers around it. Which lead to the conversation about how if you had a wrapper for a Tootsie pop with the Indian shoot an arrow at a star you could make a wish. Which lead to Wonderballs and different games and toys from the 90s. Like Crazy Bones, Skip-Its, the first toy robots, furbys and of course Tamagachis.

From there we thought of all the different types of online accounts we had. Some are not to be mentioned. But we even looked up our old AIM accounts. I mean who doesn't want to talk to SmarterChild? Hilariously I could still access mine. I remember my username and my password and easily was reconnected. I wanted to see if my away messages and profile were still saved so I could laugh at myself. Unfortunately there weren't. Fortunately my icon was still the Chinese symbol for faith or something. And as I looked at my list of contacts (which were all still intact from back in the day) I saw that some were still online! I mean they were using their phone but still. Why do you need AIM anymore guys?! My roommate reminded me about her Xanga to create those moving icons for AIM and other Xangas. If you need a good laugh you should check out her link. We died laughing at it all.

But seriously I highly recommend you check out all old Xangas, AIMs, etc and laugh at how you acted back in the day. I refuse to delete these accounts now that I have found them so I can always get a good chuckle.

Oct 22, 2012

Another way to find me

So I realize that I don't write nearly enough here. But there is somewhere else you can read what I have to say. Yes I do have a Twitter account and I use it quite frequently. I end up changing my handle (Twitter name) randomly when I get bored but haven't changed this one in a while. You can search @OutwitTheDevil and I should pop up. Many of the ideas of possible posts that are never written come through there. Either the idea is too obscure or I wouldn't have enough to write so I cram the thought into 140 characters and say sayonara. So if you get bored, you should follow me.

Oct 21, 2012

Appreciate where your friends are.

I find it difficult to blog and get my studies done at the same time. Which is why I've been lacking in blogging recently. I've been working and studying a lot. That said, here we go.

     Going off to college I had planned on finding a school where I knew no one and making a ton of new friends. That way I wouldn't have to interact with a lot of people from high school unless I was at home or really wanted to keep in contact with them. My best friends all went to different schools so that we are all spread out across the great United States. This of course means that we have minimal interactions with each other. Of course we can talk or text or Skype, but it's not the same as getting together for a drink or dinner. And there are times that I miss all of you terribly.
        Starting after our freshman year is when we dispersed even more. All of my male friends got internships from the corners of the country. That's when I began to appreciate the little time we got to spend together. We would only see each other during major breaks or near a holiday. And even then, with our extensive and different schedules, we had even less time to see each other. As time passed, some studied abroad in Europe, others dropped out to start working, others didn't have money to fly home. Now we see each other at most 4 times a year. Everyone is just too busy working or at school to make it home for long periods of time to hang out. I guess this is what growing up is.

     This past weekend, my best guy friend from home came to visit. I was so excited and thrilled to see him because I see him only 2-3 times a year. He lives in California and it is just too expensive to fly to the Midwest that often. So I pretty much ignored all of my other friends when we went out so I could hangout with him. And saying goodbye to him today made me sad to know I won't see him again until Christmastime (fingers crossed).

I have plenty of friends here who live within 2 hours from school. They get to see their best friends several times a semester all the way up to 1-2 times a month. Going more than a month without seeing each other makes them upset. And to those people I say Fuck You. You need to appreciate all that time you have together. We are all growing up and soon will be dispersed across the country. If you are blessed enough to see your best friends that often then you should be grateful. There are some of us who never see our best friends. We don't have money, transportation, or time to see each other. I haven't seen some of my best friends since Christmas last year and cannot wait to see them again.

So basically, don't rant to me about how you never get to see your friends if you actually get to see them more than once every 4 months. Because I will ignore you completely and consider you to be a selfish bitch.

Oct 2, 2012

My favorite underrated movie

This is such an easy decision. I even went and saw the movie in the theater with my dad. Sure the theater was pretty empty but I laughed my ass off with good ol' pops there next to me.

I know almost no one has seen or even has heard of the movie Paul and I don't understand why. It is one of my all-time favorite movies. It has an all star cast ranging from Seth Rogen to Kristen Wiig, from Simon Pegg to Jane Lynch. There is even some Jason Bateman and Bill Hader action. And that's not even all of the big names in the movie.

It is an awesome movie for anyone who considers themself a nerd or into classic syfy movies and references. I mean come on! The story line of the movie is about 2 guys going to comic con find an alien on their road trip across the American southwest visiting UFO hot spots. Almost every scene involves some reference to a popular science fiction character or show. So naturally I fucking love it.

If you are looking for an awesome and totally underrated movie, you NEED to check out Paul. It's on HBO right now and I'm sure you can get it at any sort of rental place like Redbox or Netflix.