Mar 5, 2012

Application awkwards

So I have been filling out a bunch of different types of applications recently. Some are for jobs and others for scholarships or financial aid. And there are some normal parts of applications and then there are always the awkward questions. And some of them just kill me.


  • GPA
  • Felon status
  • Education history
  • Address
  • References
  • Why you deserve whatever you are applying for
I can handle these sort of questions. They are straight forward. They are simple.  Then there are the weird questions.

  • How do you contribute to diversity?
                  Here is my problem with this one: I am a white girl from a middle class family in white suburbia. I cannot change who I am or where I was brought up. I haven't gone and traveled to culturally different countries. How do I contribute to diversity then, huh? We all know you mean like racially or ethnically. I have never been persecuted for anything about me. We understand this is the politically correct way to find out if I am an immigrant or of colored skin. Which is actually quite irrelevant when you look at genetics but people will never accept the elimination of race which is stupid. So thanks for reminding me I'm white and am to blame for the sins of the whiteys who came before me. Thanks a lot.

  • Are there any other jobs you would rather have?
                  Yeah actually now that you mention it, I would much rather be an event planner for the wealthy. I could plan an awesome party or wedding and make a great commission. Or I could be a famous actor making big bucks and having my face slapped on posters. Note I didn't say a good actor, I mean look at Kristen Stewart... But Hell. Why on Earth would this be an appropriate question? Some jobs are for character building. Some are for resume building. Most are both. But you don't need to notify everyone of that.

  • Are there any other reasons you would like to work here besides the money?
                   Sure sometimes you actually want a job because of what it entails. But mostly it has to do with making money. Or the discounts that the job can provide. I mean who wouldn't want a discount on ice cream or clothes or something like that. But if it is just a pay-the-rent job like many are, how are you supposed to lie to them without being a jerk? I wouldn't ask this unless I wanted to make someone squirm during an interview.

These are just a few off the top of my head that I've seen the past few days. And I find them odd and unnecessary. I probably will rant about something else similar to these at a later date. I fucking hate it when my coffee goes cold.

"Don't treat me any different than you would treat the queen."

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