Feb 12, 2013

I don't understand smoking

So it's 2013. There is so much information available on how to improve your health and how to avoid unnecessary evils that will harm you and your body. So why do people start to smoke cigarettes still? There are no health benefits for beginning such an addictive and dirty habit. Non-smokers don't enjoy being around people smoking; the smell permeates everything and lingers in the air. You can taste the smoke when you breathe as it burns your tongue. Nonsmokers don't like to date smokers either. The appeal of a potential mate greatly decreases once the individual reveals that he or she smokes.

They say that it is calming or that it is a social activity. I don't understand why you wouldn't just start talking to people without trying to decay your lungs at the same time. We have the technology and the knowledge that this is a harmful act. If you need to be social, pick up bowling or join a book club or go to the bar. There are so many ways to be social without destroying a vital organ. And if you need something to calm the nerves, take up yoga or meditation.

The start of this rant came because someone flicked their cigarette butt out their window at my as I was walking by. Seriously? What the fuck dude? Why on Earth does it seem okay to throw smoldering cigarettes at people? Asshole.

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