Nov 10, 2011

Beware of bundling

Let me preface this with regards to the last post. I do not dislike everyone in the Greek system. I have plenty of friends who are in houses and to each their own, right? I just believe the institution of the Greek system is flawed. I mean for Pete's sake, what service do they actually do for their philanthropies? Don't they just have a special function and then donate money somewhere? Do they ever go do physical work? Regardless, I'm not hating on all the people in it. Just they way it is run. Don't mistake the two.

Now, I understand this is a lot of blogging in a small concentration. But apparently my fingers are eager to be put to work. As in typing. Fool. So here is yet another post for reading material.

It's freezing out. Almost quite literally. I know it was down to 32 degrees over night and the high here today is something like 42 degrees. Which I would describe as quite chilly. But my favorite thing about this time of year, as the transition from 60 degree sunny days go to the frigid 20 degree snowy days, is watching the changing of outfits people wear. It is always simple to tell who is not from the area. Because once it hits 50 outside, they start breaking out heavier coats. Not like a fleece jacket, like a COAT.
      Bro, you don't want to be doing that yet. If you are going to start wearing your winter coat now, then what are you going to do when it is going to be 3 degrees out with windchill? Unless you got a real slim winter coat to hide under that poofy one, you are going to freeze your dick off. And I know people who had that happen. Well his dick didn't really fall off he just was driving that struggle bus all winter.
      That's why I have a rule about when I can start wearing winter coats and things. I don't put one on until it is under 40 degrees. That way my body can properly adapt to the change in temperature in an appropriate gradient-like manner. So I don't randomly realize I have no way to dress any warmer when it drops 20 degrees more except carry around my own heater. The key is layers people. Like you international and southern kids. Yeah especially you warm state people. My gramma turns on her heat when it drops to 50 and she's from Florida. I know how you guys work. But so wear a t-shirt with a hoodie or warm cardigan and then a fleece jacket on top. Maybe make it a long sleeve t-shirt if you are really that cold. Go ahead and have a hat on hand or a cute scarf. But save the really heavy stuff for when the temperature drops like a stripper on a pole. Fast, but not terribly unexpected.

"For one person, you're a whole lot of ugly."

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