Nov 28, 2011

We rely on technology too much.

A few days ago, I busted my iPhone. It was still functioning for the most part but no longer had the speaker working for me to hear calls unless it was on "speaker" or "headphone" mode. Oh and it would no longer accept a charge. So it died. This all happened at my parents' house and then I had to return to school. Oh boy was the traffic back a bitch. And I was going to find an alternate route but then realized I had no GPS. Mine was on my phone. I shook it off and was like Oh duh maps! Unfortunately I only had a Michigan map in my car and I was not going through said state.

However, what I want to say is that I realized just how dependent on technology we have become. Don't get me wrong; I love indoor plumbing and central air/heating and freezers and cars. But as I was stuck in traffic trying to see if I could use my map at all, I looked around at the cars around me and saw everyone on a phone, watching a movie, or their GPS out. And I understand some people need a gadget directing them. My father needs one (and no seriously he does. Without one he would drive around aimlessly on his "shortcut" for hours before admitting he's lost. Men). But maps are useful too.

How would we survive without the internet? What would we do without laptops? Or xbox? How could we remain calm without vibrating heated massaging recliners? Or heated blankets? Or cell phones???
     And it isn't just the young generations that are adapting so quickly to the new gadgets and technology that is constantly being revealed. Most people who are younger than the retiring age (which is getting older and older) are getting used to the normality of all these advances. Hell, my mom is now able to text up a storm. There are days out playing MW3 and acting like the dumbass teenagers shouting at the 10 year old who is playing with them.

I know people who tell right and left still with their pointer fingers and thumbs. And others who only use digital clocks to tell the time because analog is confusing. I'm sure I know people who if you took away their phone or internet for 2 days, wouldn't know what to do. Especially this young generation.

And I feel bad for these kids. When I was little, I was only allowed an hour on the computer and only when it was raining out. I used to literally be kicked out of the house until dinner time if it was nice outside. If I came in, with the exception to use the bathroom or get something to eat/drink, I would get in trouble! We were outside all the time or inside reading. Gasp! Reading! Now the kids are playing their video games or watching tv. When they go outside, it's to mostly play sports I feel like. And that isn't bad. But where are the kids turning the playground into a pirate ship with their own original characters? No Jack Sparrow. I know there are exceptions to this but it just seems that everyone in double digits has a cell phone, facebook, and some sort of gaming system. It just makes me sad. That it seems the younger generations just won't have the same experience and be so reliant on technology.

Hey. At least I don't need to worry about my phone going off in class.

"Mistakes will be made. You will be blamed."

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