Nov 25, 2011

What are you thankful for?

So I realize it has been a really long time since I have posted anything. I apologize to my (limited) audience. My life has been relatively boring and boring to the point I don't really have anything to rant about. Or if I do have a rant, I don't want the possibility of the involved individual reading it (yes I'm talking just about you). If you think of something that would set me off or I would have an interesting take on, feel free to let me know and I'll jump on it, jump on it.

This little ditty will be just that, a tiny ditty. Unless, of course, I ramble onto another subject. Which is more than likely.

So the holiday season has begun. The first holiday thing I should address is Thanksgiving. Just that. The actually holiday. What does it mean? Why do we celebrate it? What has it become?  Well I can tell you right damn now what it has become. It's about watching football and preparing for the day after.  Families and friends get together to organize games to toss around the ole pigskin. They gather in front of the tv to watch the lions and the dolphins play. The men (for the most part) have taken over the holiday with the sport. But the women, oh goodness, the women. Most ladies like to shop. Most everyone likes deals (preview?) on their purchases. Oh wait is there a day just for getting up and going shopping and getting reduced prices on many things?! Black Friday?? Oh and lots of women look forward to hitting the mall then? Between the football and people staying up late getting ready to go literally fight people- people got pepper sprayed at Walmart again-  to get special electronics many people overlook what Thanksgiving is really all about. 

The nice way to think of Thanksgiving is that you are reminded to think about what you are grateful for in this life. The 99% can be thankful they have clothes to wear or money to buy materials to make signs or food to put in their tummies or that they can walk to get an aspirin.  Most people are thankful for the people in their life. That's how I am. I am so blessed to have the people in my life who have consistently been there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on or laughing my ass off. We are also blessed for the opportunities in our lives (Wow this is starting to sound like an uplifting entry. Just give it a minute). Because when you think about it, not a lot of people get the same opportunities as people who have internet to read this. You know who else didn't have internet? Native Americans.

So Thanksgiving is based on a friend feast shared between pilgrims and native Americans. I'm actually not sure if the 'n' is always supposed to be capitalized even. Honestly, I couldn't give a damn. Not because I am unable to, but because I just don't want to. Anyways... So the picture we idiots are delivered is that the pilgrims landed in the new world. They ran into Indians and they had a few scuffles. But soon after (Pocahontas and John Smith --what a white name-- got it on), the two cultures became friends and shared farming and hunting information. And lived happily ever after. And if you know anything about me, you know happily ever after is a joke. What really happened? There were bloody battles between the two since the whites were in the mindset that they were obviously superior. They had better weaponry and religion, what more could be needed? Let's say, just for the Hell of it, that there was a delicious dinner shared. Well aren't us whiteys great friends. You teach us to farm and here we come to stab you in the back with disease. That's right. We are going to wipe out your population with diseases you've never had to encounter before. Oh and while we are at it, now that we have the hang of things, let's force you further inland and we will just take all your lands off your hands. What do you say about that? Thanks for the land, stupid.
         So really, all this make believe dinner is is a prelude to killing your new "friend" and looting their property. But hey, it's not like the white man knows any other way to accomplish things right?

"I tried to get rid of my headache but he came back."

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