Nov 25, 2011

So this is Christmas...

I get so annoyed with commercialism sometimes. Before Halloween I was in a Target or Walmart and guess what I saw. Fucking Santa. Well I mean he wasn't doing the nasty but he was there nonetheless. It was at least 2 months until Christmas. Also expect a rant around that time too. I have many thoughts on this season and what it has become. But so all of the Christmas decorations started to make their appearances. And once one store starts, they all start. Ornaments started showing up in Kohls. Reindeer in Walgreens. Easily became an eyesore but I could adjust. And yes I adjusted quickly mostly due to the fact I had no car to go to such places. But then the worst happened!!!!!!!!

They started playing the music. Now don't get me wrong, I love Christmas music. But everything has appropriate times. You wouldn't want to hear the Monster Mash song on Valentine's Day would you? Unless you happen to be a large hairy half-man-half-beast thing or other such creature. But before Thanksgiving? It's still autumn! There are still pumpkins out! Are there pumpkins out for the celebration of Christmas? I DON'T THINK SO. So why are there radio stations playing this holiday music nonstop before the birds have been caught, skinned, cleaned, cooked, and eaten?

Now it is after Turkey Day. The day after, my family usually goes and cuts down our tree. The wonderful pine smell and knowing that Thanksgiving is over and the temperature dropping all start to come together to bring everyone in the holiday spirit. That's when it becomes okay to start playing Christmas music. Maybe throw in some other genres for a bit so you don't go overboard, but I encourage breaking out some Winter Wonderland or All I Want For Christmas. Hell, get the Rat Pack and Eartha Kitt going. If you don't know them, you suck.

There is just appropriate timing. Neither radios nor retail corporations seem to understand that. Someone should poke the people in charge of each with candy canes that have just been sucked on on one side so it becomes that awfully sharp point. Teach them a thing or two about selling us that stripped sugar 2 months in advance.

"Every time I find Mr. Right, my husband scares him away."

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