Sep 12, 2011

I can't hear you...

I like my music loud. All day erryday. So when I have my iPod playing, I can almost guarantee that I can't hear anything you are saying. But like really. I play it so loud that I can't hear the band practicing when I pass their practice area. Who gives a shit about hearing? It's all about the vision anyways.

But so when anyone has their headphones in and are listening to whatever it is they are listening to, it probably means they DON'T want to listen to your voice. If they wanted to hear you speak, then they would take off their headphones obviously.

Like when I'm in the library and have my music blaring in my ear to drown out the sound of other languages and group discussions around me, that includes you: creepy man I have never met before. I am clearly focused on doing work and don't want you to bother me. Especially you, old dude. How are you even a student?! So naturally when I'm sippin on my gatorade and workin a physics problem, you should walk over to me from the table next to me to say to me that my gatorade is healthy. First off, it really isn't that healthy. Second, what the hell did you just say. Are you blind? Can't you see I'm busy and I've got my earbuds in? Third, WHO ARE YOU.
               I have never met you before, mister, and I would prefer to keep it that way. I had to pause my music and take out my earbuds just to hear what you were saying. After, of course, I had to almost shout "Excuse me?" since my hearing hadn't yet adjusted to the quieter library volume.  Just to hear you say my gatorade was a better choice than your coffee. No sir, actually a cup of coffee a day is good for you. Much like a glass of red wine (the darker the better it is for your heart no joke).
              Okay so you've said your stupid comment and my concentration goes back to homework and listening to Yo Yo Ma (the man is a genius don't hate). But I can see you staring at me from your table. You are looking over here like every 10 min for an hour and a half. I DON'T KNOW YOU YOU ARE CREEPY STOP THAT BECAUSE I CAN SEE YOU LOOKING OVER HERE. All I want to do is get my prelab done and study anatomy. That's all. And I feel like you tried to talk to me but finally realized that I CAN'T HEAR YOU and I'm not looking over and checking in on you every second.
             I was overjoyed to see you pack your shit up. You kept walking back and forth to take calls or go pee or sharpen your pencils or other stupid things and would stare at me as you went past. I'm awfully observant and can see you creeping. But then as you are leaving, you walk over to say goodbye to me. Like we are just good ol' chums and can't wait to see each other again. NO. I did the half-assed smile like I'm being polite but I don't know you so leave me alone.

So please, people, when someone is clearly in the zone or just has their headphones in (library especially) leave them alone. I leave other people alone because if I don't want to be bothered, neither do they. Unless I'm actually friends with you then that's okay. But I will ignore anyone who tries to talk to me unless physical contact or direct eye contact has been made. Which is awkward. But not quite as awkward as being the only white girl left in the library. I think I'll leave now...

"Men put us up on pedestals so they can see up our skirts."

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