Feb 25, 2012

I trust the stranger

I have never gotten a bad suggestion that I can remember. Today I was curious about the new latte at Greyhouse (WHICH IS WAY BETTER THAN STARBUCKS. If you disagree then you can go drown in their stupid always to go fancifully named sized coffee. Get your coffee locally from a cute dude wearing a beanie). I love trying new things but I don't often get too adventurous about foods and such without a good review first. If it's an iffy review, fo'get about it.  But the new latte at Greyhouse is maple caramel. Now I feel like maple ends up tasting pretty good with most things. Maple syrup with pancakes, maple and bacon cupcakes (orgasmic), etc. But a hot beverage with maple flavoring? I was intrigued. But being alone, I wasn't positive I wanted to try it out. I was going to go with my last new choice -- blueberry cinnamon latte. My fallback is always a creme brulee. You just can't mess those up. And if you do, you should go hide in a corner of shame. So I asked the barista. He had never had it and called over one of the other baristas. We had a nice conversation comparing my choices. Thankfully no one else was in line behind me or I'm sure we wouldn't have had a real talk about the coffee. I went with the maple caramel. I'm glad I did. Now I know I can trust this guy with his recommendations. Fabulous.

These recommendations and suggestions go with more than just ordering some nom. I often speed shop on my own. Back home we have one of the largest indoor malls in America. If you don't go there often, then you are simply overwhelmed and want to go everywhere. Living 10 minutes away from it, I know exactly where to park when and which stores are in which areas and how to navigate through the hordes of people shopping. So I hit up my favorite stores by myself since I don't like having to wait for other people and like to go at my own (quick) pace. But it's sometimes hard to figure out what actually looks good on your body without a second opinion. I often become friends with the girls working the dressing rooms and they help me narrow down what I definitely should not get and then compare all the "yes" items. I have not regretted any of the purchases I've made when these nice ladies help me out.

It's just nice to have people be honest. They could just be assholes and encourage you to buy the more expensive items so that they make more money or something like that. But I feel like if you take the time to actually ask them politely what they think, they will be truthful and share their opinion. I'd like to think that people are trustworthy for random little things like that, even though I know not everyone is. There will always be that jerk who pushes you too far and tells you "Oh my God everything looks good on you! I would just buy it all if I was you." Then you start contemplating it and that sneaky devil pushes you to the edge of spending way too much. And yes there is a difference between being a good salesperson and an ass. As a server, you can suggest a more expensive steak with a "you only live once" but you don't need to repeat that they should order that until they do.

I don't know. Maybe I just like talking to new people and know that when I'm working I like interacting with nice people. I mean I'm not an idiot and trust absolutely everything strangers say. I'm not gullible like that. But if it is just something little, why would they bother lying about it? Sounds like too much effort to me. That's why whenever anyone has asked my opinion, I give my honest answer. Unless I don't like you. Then you're screwed.

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