Feb 28, 2012

Library idiots

Here is just a little short rant. It's what I do.

SURPRISE! I am in a library again. This time I would like to rant about all the morons in here. First, your backpack does NOT need its own special cubicle. I understand it is nice to have space for your shit and you may not want to sit next to some random-ass bitch blogging about you, but suck it up. There are like 40,000 people here. Learn to share space or get the fuck out.
          Next, just because you have a room for group studying does NOT mean it is soundproof. Bitch I can hear you shouting about philosophy or whatever all the way over here. But the thing is, I know that's your normal speaking voice. So I guess I feel awful for the other people in that room with you. I know I wouldn't want to be there.
          And for the people who are here with someone else but are not in a room, this is the "Quiet Study" area. So shut up. Stop giggling or go to the main floor. I didn't climb up to the 3rd floor to hear you whispering about who Becky madeout with last night.
          Along with that, I don't want to hear your dumb music playing through your skull. This is the quiet area so me having my headphones in shouldn't be required and even when I just have them on quietly for background noise I shouldn't be able to hear your party playlist. Who the Hell studies to LMFAO anyways? Idiot.

There is a certain etiquette you should have in a library. If you can't abide by it then leave. Go to some social place to study. Hell, even coffeehouses are better than being surrounded by all these fucking loud assholes.

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