Dec 24, 2011

On the eve of a baby being born.

So it's Christmas eve. We are not hosting anything at my house tonight just bringing some snacks and dishes over to relatives' homes. I've done my part in helping and have put in my tacky holiday earrings (bears holding french horns with Santa hats on). So here I am sitting around as the parents finish finding the gifts we must bring over. Once it's time, I'll help bring everything out to the car don't worry I'm not a bad kid like the boys in the family. I shovel the driveway too.
I expect that there will be something nonsensical or annoying or striking that will happen later tonight. Maybe around 11:30. Why? Because that's the middle of Christmas mass tonight. It's going to be packed with Chreasters (people who only go to Christmas and Easter masses) and many crying children. And we are going to have to fight to find a seat for my whole family. Because, although I have been lacking in my attendance to church, my family goes every week and is very involved with the parish. If you don't care enough to go normally, why go on these two days? That means you probably aren't very religious. You might be a celebrator of Santa but maybe not Saint Nick and Jesus and all. Which is totally okay. I guess. Just don't try to beat all the normal attendees to the church and take our seats. Please? Good.

God bless and be safe.

Eggnog rocks.

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